Friday 2 April 2010

Automatic gearcrunching!

When I started truck driving in Australia, the only automatic gearboxes were in buses. In fact if you even suggested driving an auto box might have a few advantages, not least economy and reduced driver fatigue, you'd be looked at as some sort of low grade, slightly effeminate, unprofessional, third rate excuse for a truck driver.

At that time Mack trucks were what every meat eating Aussie trucker aspired to, and they had TWO gear sticks!

These days, I generally drive automatics and while I know many current drivers prefer manual gearboxes, I actually prefer an auto. (there, I'm out of the closet at last!)

Why? Well to be blunt, I find it so much more relaxing to let the gearbox sort itself out. It means I can concentrate on where I'm going and avoid the more committed kamikaze drivers out there.

That said, I have driven some strange excuses for auto gearboxes. The Renault's I've driven, have I think, a version of Volvo's Opticruise... which works well in a Volvo, but with Renault electrics is a totally different beast. And don't get me started on the automatic gearbox in an Iveco Stralis I drove the other day.

I like the Mercedes Actros box, the Scania is also great, but if given the choice I'd take the big Volvo version any day. Really smooth, and incredible easy to drive.

Maybe I'm getting old! Or lazy. Or indeed both!

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